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Showing posts from January, 2021

COVID-19: a business owner's unfiltered experience

It has been a whirlwind.  I don’t know where to begin.   On the worst days, it felt like people expected the impossible: answers when there were none, energy when we had none, and then when we were at our very lowest, flawless grace in the face of criticism.  Things changed so incredibly rapidly that it felt like we were always trying to catch up: there was always more information to communicate, another video update to shoot, another long text to be sent to the team, another Zoom meeting that should happen.  We keenly felt our physical, mental, and emotional limitations (and our lack of years of leadership experience).  Trying to intentionally pick and choose to focus on certain aspects of the situation meant knowingly dropping other balls that seemed almost equally critical.  (The emotional weight of that alone was pretty taxing.)   And then there was the aftermath of not having had that conversation, writing that email, looping that person into the dialogue.  It seemed like the defa