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Showing posts from July, 2020

Life is found (or lost) in the details

Musings on the “secrets” to living a rich and happy life. The small stuff of life is underrated; the big stuff is sensationalized.  What actually makes up the fabric of our lives?  The “normal”, the everyday, the routine.  Do you want to have an amazing life?  Transform your ordinary into extraordinary!   We put emphasis on big goals and commitments.  But which is truly more difficult, signing up for that marathon, or getting up early every morning to train?  Or maybe we make a huge savings goal because we want to be able to buy a house or a car, but we keep up our habits of picking up a daily coffee or breakfast sandwich.  In both cases, the former is a one-time commitment, and the latter seems smaller and less significant, but is a commitment that has to be renewed every day (so it appears easy, but is much, much harder because it mandates consistency).   It feels natural to overlook the small details.  They’re small, so they can’t be that important, right?  They’re too simple; they