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Showing posts from August, 2020

Self-awareness precedes sustainability

(I realize that if you're feeling incredibly taxed and overwhelmed in this current season, you may not have the capacity to hear this or may simply write me off as idealistic.  Yet I'm still hoping that you might consider these concepts with an open mind and glean some tangible and helpful truth.) I went on an 8-mile run last week.  (A personal distance record.) And I felt great!  No stopping, no walking, just running.  For 8 blessed miles. To be clear, I've never been a runner (or athletic at all).  I've started many times to attempt to run consistently, but I always quit due to various factors like bilateral stress fractures, shin splints, and knee pain/instability.  Nearly two years ago, d etermined to fight my rising weight and cholesterol levels, I began to run again twice weekly, feeling resigned that the constant sharp and burning shin pain was inevitable. That all changed this spring when I started running with an audio coach.   Coach Bennett's primary mess